Family and The Great Indian Hornbill


The national bird of Kerala  as you know is the great Indian hornbill. Facts about hornbills are very strange. They will mate with only a single bird throughout their life. Therefore these birds open before us the beautiful picture of a family. The male as well as the female bird are equally careful in the maintenance of nest and rearing of the young ones. The female hornbill builds a nest in the hollow of a large tree trunk, sealing the opening with a plaster made up mainly of  feces. She remains there relying on the male to bring food, until the chicks are half developed. At the time of coming out, the female bird makes a peculiar sound and the male one breaks open the sealing. If something fatal happens to the male bird the female ones and the chicks may die in the hole  because they have no other way to get food. No doubt this is the beautiful picture of a happy family. 

Family plays a pivotal role in the raising of generations.  That is why it is said that one should imbibe the good values  from his/her family. Family is  decisive in the formative years of a  child. Parents who are cooperative and have strong bond between them will have its effects on the children.  Let us look into ourselves. How is our family? Should we change our attitude and behavior for making it a better one?

Jithin Jose

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