How Can  I Have A  Radiant  Personality?


How many of you can enu- merate ten good things about you? At the same time, you will be able to tell twenty neg- ative things about you. This happens because of your low self-esteem. Psychologists unanimously opine that low self-esteem prevents us from attaining the success of life that is ought to us.

How much do you know about your own personality? One of the fundamental factors to make your life successful and happy is to understand your own personality. You should maintain a good self-esteem. Other people may say various things about you, which might be negative at times. If you  give your ear to such comments and keep brooding over them, you might lose your happiness and will become inert.
The solution is to live a life of high self-esteem. It is not easy to come out of the thought that you are good-for-nothing, once it has found its place in your mind. So, you need to discern your talents and capabilities. How many of you can enumerate ten good things about you? At the same time, you will be able to tell twenty negative things about you. This happens because of your low self-esteem.

Psychologists unanimously opine that low self-esteem prevents us from attaining the success of life that is ought to us.

There is a famous book named ‘Six Pillars of Self Esteem’ authored by Nathaniel Branden. In this book, Branden enumerates two things that are essential for gaining self-esteem. Firstly, he should have the capability to carry out his own things properly. Secondly, he must have self-respect.

We should respect ourselves. If you are going to brand yourself as good-for-nothing, you will always be so. Nathaniel further divides the aforesaid two factors into six sub-factors. They are the real pillars of self-esteem.

Living consciously

This is to live with profound awareness of the things that affect us. We should be conscious of our actions, aims, values and intentions. We should also be conscious of our external and internal realities.      

Accepting oneself

It is very important that we accept ourselves as we are. We have to accept our external appearance, actions, thoughts and emotions. We may not be able to change certain things. There are also things that we can change if we put in a little effort. If you can change, well, do it. If not, accept it. A person who is incapable of accepting one’s own limitations, will not have self-esteem.   

Taking responsibility for your actions

Many people are not ready to take responsibility. Be it in family or office, every day we get a lot of opportunities to take responsibilities. Some people shun away from it. Taking responsibility, be it beneficial or disadvantageous to us, will enhance your self-esteem.

Being vigilant

You should be vigilant about your life. You should be aware of the aim of your life; you should also know how to live. Never lose your life or abandon your dreams to gain the favour of other people. In other words, you should be self-assertive and grab your rights.

Living with a purpose

It is very important to have goals in your life. Work hard to achieve your goals and use your talents. Those who have goals in life will also have a high self-esteem.   

Having personal integrity

People living in hypocrisy will not have a high self-esteem. Your words and deeds must mutually agree. You will lose your self-esteem when your words and deeds are incompatible.
Never forget that life becomes happy only if we lead a life of high self-esteem!   

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