Where ever two persons live together, there will be con- flicts. Not different is the case with family life bonded with the mar- ital covenant. Nonetheless, prudent handling of issues and care can avoid conflicts to certain extent. Here are a few tips.
Communicate.Tryto understand each other
The cold war between most couple
begins with a mutual silence. Any one of them must have done something that the other one has not liked. Or the other one might have responded in an unexpected way.
However, ‘no talking’ of ‘keeping silence’ is never a good thing to follow. So, begin to communicate, listen to what the other one has to say. Try to understand mutually. In a busy life, couples often tend to avoid communication. They say: we have no time! This is not a good practice at all. No matter how busy you are, you must find out time to speak to the other one and ex- press your emotion without hurting her/him.
Try to change yourself if required
When you begin to communicate, you will come to know what your part- ner is expecting from you or what he/ she does not expect from you. With all sincerity, you must try to make amend- ments in your life accordingly.
Express interest in your partner’s activities
Expressing interest in the activities of your partner and encouraging her talents will help to build a good mutual relationship. Many people have fallen into aridity because they did not get a word of appreciation from their life partner. It will also increase the mutual distance. So, encourage and appre- ciate the good things your partner is doing and give support to her/him.
Change the habits
Often habits get the upper hand in our life. In a way these habits must be placing us in a comfort zone. Never- theless, they must be adversely affect- ing your partner. It must be even threat the existence of the family life. Hence, you must come out of such habits. For eg. Alcoholism, disorderliness, lack of hygiene etc.
Express love
Some couples hide their love with- in them and never express it explicitly. Love must be expressed in action. Ac- tions are more powerful than words.
Help your partner in chores, give a hug at times, give a kiss, watch the tel- evision with mutually crossed fingers etc are good ways to express your love for the partner.
Quarreling with life partner

When do you quarrel with your life partner? What was the rea- son for the quarrel? Here are some possibilities of quarreling given be- low. Just think if they could be avoid- ed. If such situations recur, how will you respond? Find the answer and settle the issue patiently.
Financial issues Problems related to children Sex Social political is- sues Religious and ethic reasons Trivial reasons.