
In our times, hug is sometimes associated with sex. But, we need to reflect upon hug apart from its sexual association. When a person hugs another person, what the hugged person feels is a kind of security, support and solace. It is an ineffable expression of love. We hug a person, when we meet that person unexpectedly… when we are unable to control our happiness… We hug a person when we want to express our fondness and emotional connection to that person.

We can never hug a stranger. Because our heart is absent there. We do not feel love towards that person. When two friends meet after a long period of separation, what emanates there is love, friendship and happiness.

Certain scientists have found out that the level of oxytocin rises when one hugs. Oxytocin increases optimism and self-esteem. Think about our first emotion when a person hugs us. We feel valued and dearly loved. Some hugs even bring us to tears. It is because, the hug of those persons assure that we are not alone but there is someone who loves us. A hug enables us to express our true emotions.

Some studies state that a 20 second-long hug helps us to calm down our blood pressure. It also reduces our heart rate and enhances our mood. So, do not hesitate to hug your dear ones, be it a man or woman, boy or adult. Where there is love, joy and friendship, there is indeed a hug.

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