Is it the time for service?


Nobody is there who haven’t hurt the sentiments of others and whose sentiments are not hurt by others. When the relationship goes very smooth sometimes there occur fissures quite unexpectedly. It may lead to severe discord. Not only marital relationships but also any other relations require occasional service and repair. There are certain indications that it is time for the relationships to get serviced. Let us look into some of the indications.

Continuous disputes 
Continuous disputes and unnecessary arguments, unwillingness to compromise, unwillingness to come into terms etc. are the indications of fissures in relationships.

The loss of trust
Every relationship is based on mutual trust. Mutual trust is necessary in marital relationships, partnership business and in friendships. If the mutual trust is lost on account of any reason then the relationship will be in danger.

Emotional discord
Emotional discord indicates that there is no strong bond between two persons. If you can’t support any other person emotionally that means your relationship with him/her is not smooth. 

Lack of proper communication
Open communication is a must for strengthening the relationships. If you intentionally stop openly talking to others or if you don’t have the topics for such a communication it reflects the weakening relationship. 

Nurturing the grudge
If you nurture a grudge for somebody after an incident or a talk it is a direct indication that you don’t like to regain the lost warmth of that relationship.

Lack of interest
Certain relationships are strengthened by physical attraction, touch etc. If you are averse to touch the body of other person it shows that your mind is far away from that of the other. 

Lack of  happiness
Good relationships will definitely give you happiness. Instead of getting such happiness if you feel that you are trapped, realize that the relationship will not last long.

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