Life Without Limits


It is said that the morning dreams often come true in our life. When I was in the sixth standard I started thinking seriously about dreams. It was followed by a story heard in the English class and a question that I faced. The story was about a small girl. A girl who was born in the remote village of Haryana and who dreamt about The Moon and stars- the story of Kalpana Chawla, the first Indian astronaut and the proud of every Indian citizen. She could overcome all the defeats and setbacks in her life with her undying confidence and hard work. After telling the motivational story of Kalpana,  our English teacher explained:  Kalpana’s dream was to become an astronaut. Dear students, what is your ambition? One by one every student began to share the ambition. Doctor, Engineer, Police Officer, Collector…Until then I  had never thought about such a dream and therefore I didn’t have an answer for that question. When it was my turn I said  ‘teacher’ and it was a way of escapism from that question. From then onwards I started thinking about a dream or goal in life. In fact this is a question that perplex all of us in one day or other in our childhood days. What is my ambition? Finding a clear answer for this question assumes significance because then onwards your life gets its depth and meaning. 

Though it is easy to talk about dreams, conduct debates and discussion on it etc. it is not so easy to strive for it and to fulfill it. Having dreamt a lot and after doing hard work to achieve them sometimes all the efforts may become futile. In such a circumstance most of the people become disappointed. 
Kintsugi is a famous Japanese art form. It involves repairing broken pottery by mending the cracks with gold and thereby making it more beautiful and valuable than the unbroken one. Kintsugi teaches us that we should not go disappointed in failures, rather we are supposed to face the challenges and failures with the irresistible will power and confidence.  Even if we stumble on certain small things the great successes are awaiting us-only for those who are willing to arise and run again. A you tube video reinforces these words-A man who have no arms and legs run on artificial wheeled legs, surfs on the waves, plays musical instruments, plays golf and speaks to the audience. Though he was born with a lot of limitations he overcame those limits because he was driven by his wants and succeeded in life with his hard work. His name is Nick Vujicic. In his autobiography ‘No Arms, No legs, No Worries’ Nick says that the challenges we face in our life decide our future. Please don’t bow down before failures, and get frustrated with the limitations. Learn the necessary lessons from your downfalls and do continuous hard work. Never eschew your confidence. No doubt one day your dream will be fulfilled.

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