
There will be hardly anyone who has never gone through any issue in family life. Nevertheless, when we pass through a hardship in family life, we think that only we have family problems and that we are suffering the greatest hardship in the world. But, everyone who leads a family life is facing one or other problems, big or small. Every family has its own problems and hurdles. ‘Lived happily ever after’ situations will only be in fairytales. But problems are inevitable in real life. At the same time, every problem will have solutions as well. Let us have a look into the common problems found in families and how to deal with them.


Arguments and squabbles are common among family members. Between two persons, a difference of opinion is natural to occur. But, the problem worsens when the persons involved do not know how to express their disagreements. There is no problem in expressing one’s disagreement gently and in a healthy way. You can express your opinion. But, you should not be so fanatic on your opinion to the extent that your point alone is right and the other one’s opinion is completely wrong. Keep silent if you cannot agree with the other. Wait until the negative waves vanish from the atmosphere. If both of you are holding your opinions fanatically, the problem will never be solved.

Quarrelling on children

It commonly occurs in every family that husband and wife quarrel on the issue of raising their kids and teaching them. Sometimes, it could be because any of the partners do not give due attention to the academic needs of children or has enrolled them in a course that is against their aptitude. Spouses squabble when either of the partners takes an arbitrary decision without taking the other one’s opinion into consideration and the decision has misfired. There are also some spouses who boast if their decision has turned out to be good. Neither of these responses is good. Since children belong to both the partners, it is always better to take decisions after mutual consultation.

On office and the kitchen

If both the partners are working, disagreements and clashes can occur in the name of kitchen chores. If the husband thinks that it is his wife’s responsibility to do all the chores in the kitchen and is not even ready to wash a plate, disputes can occur; especially if both of them have to leave for office at the same time. It is not a good practice to leave all kitchen chores to the wife, when she has returned from the office after a hectic day. While both of them are toiling for the wellbeing of the family, there should be mutual support between them. Clashes could be avoided if both husband and wife go ahead helping each other and understanding each other.


Lack of clarity and misunderstanding in communication worsen problems. Just as proper communication enhances relationships, flawed communication worsens relationships. Ineffective communication will always be an impediment in the way of relationships.

Keeping away from family members

If you are keeping away from your wife/husband, siblings, children and parents psychologically, it will trigger you to burst out at them even at the smallest provocations. Instead of trying to change others, try to understand and accept them. Abandon your obstinacy that others have to change. If you have elderly parents, why should you be so adamant to change them? Why should you get angry with your spouse or children because of their unchangeable traits?

Share responsibilities

Do not be adamant that you have to do everything by yourself. Give opportunity to your children to do things according to their age. Thus, you will be helping them to acquire capability and take up responsibility. If you persist that everything is to be done by you, it will only give rise to conflicts.

Living away from home

Those who are living away from home owing to their jobs, can also fall prey to conflicts. They will be disturbed if they do not get a chance to spend time with their family on holidays or special days. Home sickness is a big problem. In that case, keep in touch with your family members through video calls.

Mentally challenged life partner

There will be frequent problems when one has to live with a mentally challenged or emotionally immature life partner. Problems will aggravate when the family members also take part in this conflict. It is essential to seek professional aid in such situations. Never overlook the problem of such life partners.

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