Should We Respect?


Everybody wants to receive the attention and recognition of others. But sometimes we may not get the due recognition we aspire for. We may not have the required talents or ability for it. If you want to get the recognition of others you should strive for it intentionally. 

The Body Language That Radiates Confidence
How we appear before others does matter. It includes the dress we wear, our walking and sitting style etc. All these things together constitutes the confidence. The confidence of somebody reveals that he/she has got complete trust in himself/herself. Society will not honor a person who has inferiority complex. So let the confidence be your hall mark of personality. Always behave with confidence. 

Speak Clearly And Precisely
The style of speaking, modulation and clarity are the factors that impress others. Some people always speak arrogantly. Some others speak with superiority complex. Practise a style of speaking that impress others and attract others to you. Observe the great orators and their style. In the beginning you can imitate their style but later on adopt a style of your own. Your speech should have the clarity of thought and accuracy of words. 

Practise Self Control
Everybody should have control on his/her emotions and thought. Those who are irresponsible will be rejected by the society. Speak with utmost control on your emotions. Do not speak ill of others. Some people always find fault with others and belittle them. Those who speak the faults of others to you will definitely say the same about you to others. So such people won’t get support and recognition from the society. 

Be A Knowledgeable Person
A knowledgeable person will be respected by others. Knowledge cannot be replaced by anything. Amass as much knowledge you can. Learn new and new things. Ensure that you have ample awareness about current affairs.

Keep The Boundaries
Fix your own boundaries with the affairs of others. Do not unnecessarily interfere with the life of others. Persons who always opine on unwanted things will be disliked by others.

Be Honest
Be honest to yourself. Your words and deeds should go hand in hand. Do not break the promise except in unavoidable circumstances. Be consistent in your behavior. Be respectful to others irrespective of their educational background, position or financial status. Do not hesitate to use such polite words like thanks, please etc. in appropriate circumstances. 

Acknowledge Your Mistakes
To err is human. But some people always blame others for his/her own mistakes. Always acknowledge your own mistakes. Then others will respect you.

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