
Confidence is an essential quality for success in life. It has become a world where one can win not only by skill but also by confidence. There are many people who are relegated to the back row due to a lack of confidence. How can you identify confidence? What are the signs of confident people?
They don’t want praise. 

They don’t seek attention

Self-confident people do not want others to praise them for their achievements. They do not try to get attention from others. They try to celebrate others’ success rather than their own. They also tend to praise others.

No excuses are made

It is not their style to make excuses when blamed or become upset when given instructions. When given a responsibility, they never neglect it. They admit their mistakes. Suggestions and corrections are gratefully accepted.

 Resistance or conflict is not their style

They openly accept their own faults and flaws and strive to improve. They do not argue or blame someone with justification and explanation.

Avoiding unnecessary competition

They don’t compete with others. They are not bothered by comparison with others, they are trying to improve themselves. The do not try to dominate and gain the upper hand.

Not afraid to take a firm stand

They will have bold attitudes. They are not afraid of losses or blame for it, they want results

 They are not ashamed of their failures

They do not shy away from failure, they are not ashamed of it. They believe in themselves and realize that their inner potential is greater than their failure.

They do not entertain negative thoughts

They know that there is good in them… so they always keep encouraging themselves.

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