A restaurant is a place where varied interests and tastes meet. Just pay attention to each customer who comes into a restaurant.
Each one is different not only in external appearance or character but also in taste. Some people prefer to eat food from street vendors, while some others want their food from middle-class restaurants. There is a difference in the style of ordering food in restaurants which may vary according to their grade.
Preferences of people coming from the same family are different. Let us take tea for instance. One person needs strong tea, while another one wants medium tea. Yet others may prefer light tea or black tea. Some of them want to add more sugar, while some others prefer less or no sugar at all.
While dining, some people prefer bread and sandwiches, while some others pizza. Some people choose chappatti with egg curry, while some others love to have chappatti with lentils. Some people like beef, while others go for chicken. Certain people are allergic to beef and dairy products. There is another set of people who will not be able to sleep unless they eat rice. Some people like white rice, while some others like brown rice.
I do not understand why we are not able to accept and tolerate other people with different preferences and tastes. Why should we be adamant that everyone should be alike and uniform? Why do we want everyone to have the same opinion and taste? If only we were able to be more tolerant towards the preferences of others, we could avoid many clashes and arguments.
Uniformity is only an external covering – an outer shell. It is only an indicative common factor that makes the students of a school or the employees of a company a part of that institution. Even with the uniforms how different are they inside? How different would be the content of their tiffin box while they wear the same dress? Their complexion, height, shape etc. are so different.
There have always been efforts to suppress differing opinions. How does a person become deplorable just because he or she holds a different opinion? Once they reach marriageable age, most young people marry. Once they complete their studies and secure a job, they think about marriage. By that, is it necessary to condemn those who do not marry? They may have their own reasons not to marry.
I have come across some people who evade marriage because they are scared of delivery. I have also seen people who do not marry due to some physical disability. Some people do not marry because they have an apathy towards the opposite sex. This may not necessarily be their defects alone. This may not be their conscious choice.
As differences in taste buds decide people’s liking, once they are diabetic or have elevated cholesterol, they change their preferences unknowingly. It may be their own choices. Who are we to judge?
We need to bother about someone’s personal decision only when it affects the existence of the whole society or when it gives a definite negative result or message to all. I think there is no reason to bother about someone as long as his decisions and tastes are his own personal concerns.
India holds the vision of unity in diversity. All Indians are not alike. There is no uniformity of culture here. If we can accept others and their culture, leave it to themselves.
I am not at all like you. My taste buds are not your taste buds. I think, act, and behave in my own way. My tastes are unique and different. I need to accept it. It is up to you to accept it or not. I am least bothered about it.