Uplift Yourself


One of the biggest mistakes people make in life is waiting for others to help them grow. The truth is, no one else will truly uplift you. At best, they might provide some support or create opportunities-but that is it.

You can plant a sapling, water it, and give it fertilizer in the beginning. But the rest is up to the plant itself. Its roots must stretch out to absorb water and nutrients, and the blooming of flowers and bearing of fruit are all internal processes.

While humans might protect or care for a grown plant, growth itself is a natural process. Consider the strength of wild trees that sprout on their own compared to those deliberately planted and nurtured by humans. Many of these wild trees grow from seeds dropped by birds or carried by the wind.

Once sprouted, they grow independently. The forests we see today are not creations of human planning but rather nature’s own work. Similarly, we need to focus on growing independently. We must take charge of our own growth. There will always be people who, for various reasons, may try to pull us down, suppress us, or hold us back. They may even try to share the limelight of our success and claim credit for walking alongside us-like small plants trying to thrive in the shadow of a big tree.

But our growth must be for our own sake. Regardless of whether others try to discourage you or step on you, resolve to keep growing. Stand firm with the conviction that no matter what, you will rise on your own strength.

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