When The Tone Is Still Good…


Indian cricketer Varun Aaron announced his retirement recently.’ I don’t think I can bowl like I used to. My body has been through a lot of injuries so far. Can’t go on at this point. That’s why I’m thinking about retirement.’ Varun explained when he was asked about his decision. 

Varun, who started his cricket career in 2008, is only 34 years old when he announced retirement.

Understanding one’s limitations and shortcomings is as important as understanding one’s strengths, capabilities and potentials. Another thing that goes along with this is that one is voluntarily willing to leave the fields he/she used to, realizing that he/she is not able to perform as before. It is here that the greatness of the likes of Varun is realized.

Because people like them give up their place for others. They realize that if they change, others who are as talented as them or better than them will follow. Those who have a magnanimous mind, willing to raise others, will make self-sacrifices. Once we have done what we had to do, in its entirety, it is not right to hang around here any longer. This is what drives them to vacate their places for others.

There are people who stop writing after realizing that there is nothing new to write. There are people who have left singing after realizing that their voice has started to falter. There are people who have said goodbye to acting because they realized that acting is not as good as it used to be and their bodies are not ready.

But some people are not ready to leave the stage even after their time is up. No matter what their position or rank had been once, they are not ready to give it up until death. This trend is stronger especially in the politics. The reason is that these people have reached the said positions not by the merit of their personal charisma or ability. They fear that if they turn away from special privileges due to influence and nepotism, they will be ignored or forgotten for the rest of their lives. They are reluctant to do so because of the losses they will incur.

It takes incredible strength to consciously stand aside. The song should end when the tone is good.

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