
Do we not meet some who deal cheerfully, with a smile that never leaves their lips? People will say in their mind: ‘What a happy person he is!’ But are they happy individuals? A smile on a person’s face is not necessarily an indication of one’s happiness. May be or may be not, but this is what a recent survey by a leading magazine says about the characteristics of happy people. A title named ‘Weekly happiness habits’ suggests that the reasons for happiness are as mentioned below.

Sleeping for seven hours or more, those who maintain personal hobbies (art, music, cooking, reading, playing), engage in sports or exercise, spend time in nature, doing meditative practices like yoga, people who are focused on spiritual matters like prayer and visiting shrines, those who keep friendships outside the home, those who go out with their families; claimed that they are happy in the survey because they engage in such activities every week.

Happiness is always subjective. Just because one person is happy doesn’t mean it makes the other person happy. Some think that money can bring happiness. Money can never buy happiness, but spending money on positive things can make you happy. The happiness that comes from helping others with money for example is boundless. Being able to be happy through positive things and being able to maintain satisfaction is not trivial.

Adopting the methods of the survey participants mentioned above, can make us much happier persons than we are now. So start working towards it from today. What is life without happiness?

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