
What is life without love? Love is the basic reason for living in this world with so much happiness and contentment. We cannot live without love. Love is not limited to love between men and women. That is only one level of love. We have raised that kind of love to an elevated position because we think that there is more nobility and excellence in it. In fact, love is much more than that. There is love in everything.

All living beings and all activities in this universe are related to love. How can a person, who is not in love with God, serve in a place of worship? Isn’t love for letters and ideas what makes a writer? Love for colors and lines makes a painter. Love of song makes a singer. One’s ardent and intense love for one’s friend makes one a good friend. One’s love for one’s spouse makes him or her a good partner.
Wise men have said that “lust without love is murder.” You need love in work; and you need love in life. Love is needed in interactions, speech, look and touch. Sometimes our life becomes boring because of the lack of love. Fall in love with something. Fall in love with someone in such a way that it never ends us in one’s own destruction or another’s downfall. Love is positive when it does not create negative results. 

Are you unhappy in life? Are you dissatisfied with life? Then it means that there is a lack of love in your life. As you cannot live without air, you cannot live without love as well. Life without love is as dry as nature without springs. How beautiful life is when you are in love! When we don’t love, we lose life even though we may be living apparently.

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