Are You Toxic Parents?


Don’t do it..How many times have I warned you no to do this?… You are responsible for all these problems…Do you have any idea about the pains I am taking to give you good education?.. When I  remind you to study you don’t heed to my words,  this is nothing but the result of  your disobedience..You are good for nothing…stupid..

How many parents are there who in their life have never said these sentences or similar ones to their children? Most of the parents at least for one time remind their wards in a similar fashion. However they don’t realize that they are toxic parents. They love their children and wish to see their prosperity and well being. They claim that they scold and punish their wards out of their affection or love. But remember one thing-you are toxic parents.
Toxic is a word being discussed widely among relationships. There are toxic couples, toxic lovers, toxic friends and toxic parents in our society. They are in a sense poisonous. The cruelties of parents are often quoted with Hitler’s father. Some of the parents are toxic in nature even though they are not so cruel as that of the father of Hitler.

Sometimes we may not torture our children physically. But when we insult them emotionally, undermine them, openly insult them, belittle their achievements, behave with selfishness we  unknowingly become toxic parents. Criticizing the children severely and branding them with certain words like stupid and idiot are part of toxic parenting.

The children who are destined to grow up under toxic parents may develop insecurity and inferiority complex in them. They may not be able to shake off these negative thoughts even after they  become grown ups. Toxic parents are prone to become toxic couples. The couples with marital discord find their children an outlet to express their hatred and frustration. 

It does not mean that children don’t need correction or punishments. But the parenting style that suppress their physical and mental growth is definitely harmful to them. From the insecure ones to the  hardcore criminals are  being formed thus. Some parents consider their children as friends. The children have a lot of friends and so you  don’t need to become one. But remember that you alone are their parents and becoming an ideal parent is what expected of you. Know your children, acknowledge them, love them and go along with them.  Parenting become successful only when you imbibe your wards with love, consideration, sense of security and moral values along with fulfilling their wants. At any stage of the ward’s life if you hurt their sentiments either with your behavior or through the words you become one among the toxic parents.

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