An old couple was once watching television. All of a sudden, an intense love scene was displayed on the TV. While watching this scene, the wife glanced at her husband with a pinch of jealousy and uneasiness.
“See and learn from them how to express love!” she passed a comment to her husband, “you have never loved me so” she complained.
With a mild smile, the husband replied: “They know how to act. After all, this is just acting, not life. Besides, they are highly
paid for that. Is it the same in our case?”
True love does not expect anything from the beloved. True love does not seek selfishness. It rejoices in giving. One of the major disadvantages of today’s love relationships is that it is triggered by selfish motives. “What will I get in return if I love you?” This is the attitude of some people today. Most people are not ready to rejoice in the act of loving. Neither are they willing to go through pain and sufferings for the sake of love.
Those who get uneasy and envious of others’ love, fail to understand one thing: Instead of crying over the love they do not receive, be ready to give love. Acknowledge and understand the love they get. Treat love as a precious thing kept in a crystal bowl.
Another disadvantage found in today’s love relationships is that the initial intensity of love diminishes as time passes. This is not only true about married couple, but also in other personal relationships as well. Ferret out how and in which circumstances you lost the intensity of love. If it has a cause, it will definitely have a solution as well. So, try to solve that problem.
February is a month of love. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14. Let us try to restore and rekindle the love relationships in our lives that have grown lukewarm.
Be in love. Live in love. Give love. As per the great saying ‘Everything will pass. Only love is going to remain forever.’ Let us be known in the name of love!
Dr Antoney P Joseph
Managing Director