Children Raised By Happy Parents


Parents are the first textbook that children read. Every child is a mixture of good and bad qualities of their parents. Let each parent do a self-examination instead of blaming their children for their idiosyncrasies.

There are certain assets that parents invest in their children knowingly or unknowingly – through their behavior, speech, life values, and spirituality. The example set by parents plays a key role in molding the character of children. If parents have given good examples, the children will be good. The same is the case with their vices. Parents’ mental health and happiness are passed on to their children.

Following are the characteristics that psychologists observe in children who have been raised by happy, mentally healthy parents.

They know the value of honesty

Honesty is one of the values that happy parents pass on to their children. Children who grow up with parents, who are transparent with others and with each other, will always value honesty. They will never lie or seek deceitful ways to obtain what they want. Neither will they reap benefits with half-truths. They are the ones who take pride and joy in a small success that is won by just means rather than a big victory that is unfairly won.

They know how to express love and interest

Children, who have been exposed to the love of their parents, will also be loving and willing to help and serve others in need. They will express their feelings openly. They will strengthen their relationships through expressions of love.

They will give personal space

These children will not invade other people’s privacy or pry into their privacy. They know that every person needs to have a personal space because parents have set such an example for them. Giving such space is important in the growth of relationships.

They respect and honor others

Children, who grow up seeing their parents respect and honor each other, will respect and honor others. They know how to respect other people’s opinion, their feelings and will not be reluctant to praise. They have acquired the ability to treat individuals as equals. They will not degrade or belittle others.

They know the value of time

They have understood the value of time and the greatness of hard work because they have never seen their parents wasting their time unnecessarily. Growing up with parents, who are engaged in creative activities, they will not waste their time and effort.

They are willing to identify

They can see things from others’ point of view and can adapt to them. Such people can understand other people’s feelings from their point of view rather than simply listening to them.

These qualities passed down from parents will enable their children to grow as better individuals.

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