
People often forget to consider others when they are too busy with their lives. Yet, the majority of people never forget the instances in which they were ill-considered. Even those who do not consider others get perturbed when they are not duly considered. They murmur about it and carry it in their minds as an unhealed wound.

There are several reasons for this non-consideration. Some people ignore others because they think that the other one does not deserve to stand equal with them. Some others ignore others unintentionally because they are too busy with their life. But, there is a vast world of consideration in between these: The way I consider you when you and I are left alone. 

Consideration in one’s family, workplace, public place etc. These types of consideration are not like the consideration you leave behind when you are caught up in a festival crowd. Looking from another perspective, you can consider someone even when you are amidst a festival crowd. You should consider someone not because of your close bond with them, but because they are human beings. By the very fact that they are human beings, they deserve consideration. You may not be able to welcome a beggar, beseeching at your door, as you would welcome your bosom friend. Nonetheless, they are human beings, who need to be considered. Great people are those who consider everyone equally irrespective of their status.

“For a statistician, you may be only a small unit in the crowd. For a postman, you may be a postal address. For a politician, you are merely a vote. For the income tax department, you are just a taxpayer. For a physicist, you are just a formula. For a chemist, you are a matter of experiment. For a biologist, you are only a model.”

You become you only to a person whom you care for and consider.

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