Do You Want To Be Great? 


The truly great are those who are able to see others as greater than themselves or equal to them. They dream of the growth and upliftment of others as they do. Accepting and encouraging others is more important than finding a treasure.

But one of the sad things we see in our society is that many people are not ready to accept or nurture others. Most people create an impediment to the growth of others by thinking that they will grow up, become famous, and get higher positions than them. These people will be lacking in confidence in their own abilities.

Those who are able to nurture others are open-hearted. There will be goodness, love, and consideration in their hearts. One who is convinced that God is raising him does not envy the advancement of others or hinder their growth.

Let no one think that an earthquake will follow him. One who comes after may supersede their predecessors. Let’s not forget that we ourselves are growing by acknowledging the successor. Cultivate companions. Encourage others. Be willing to be self-sufficient. If you want to be great, you just have to accept and nurture others

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