The Key of Memories


Memories of an individual are the indicators that he is living. They are the part of his psyche. Sure, some memories are not so good. In the life of  a person sometimes there will be bitter experiences and memories. People wish to forget bitter memories but it cannot be done easily.

The Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a condition in which the brain cells gradually degenerate and die causing the memory loss. Once the cells are degenerated they cannot be rejuvenated and that is why this disease remains incurable. The patients forget even their own name. Since all the memories are lost literally their life itself will be lost forever.

The history of experiments
The first ever study about this disease was conducted in 1906.  Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist  was the first person who did  research in this field. The study was quite accidental. He found out noticeable changes in the brain of a deceased lady. The Alzheimer’s Disease got its name from Dr. Alois Alzheimer.

Why Alzheimer’s?
Why Alzheimer’s happens? Even today researchers could not give a correct answer to this question. This disease is normally found in aged people. One among the fifteen people above the age of 65 is suffering from this disease. The chances for this disease is increasing with the passage of time. Fifty percent of the people above the age of 85 may have this disease. For some individuals it is a hereditary disease. Studies reveal that in every seven seconds a new patient is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

The patients may remember the incidents happened in the remote past but they can’t remember the ones happened recently. Loss of the sense of surroundings, forgetting the names, unnatural behavior etc. are the symptoms. Sometimes people discard these symptoms by misinterpreting them as ones associated with old age. 

The patients may forget how to brush the teeth or comb the hair. Sometimes they may foster certain wrong notions. Some patients may try to go out of the house and some others may show perverted sexual interests. Studies show that the patients often die within ten years after these symptoms are shown.

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