Where is your happiness? 


There is a story of  some people who are in search of chalk standing atop a chalk hill.  This story is relevant for everyone  who wish to become happy. Where does the happiness lie? We don’t  know.   Better job, good relationships, social recognition,  financial stability, sound health.. a number of people think that these are the factors that contribute to happiness. If any of these factors gets depleted it badly affects our happiness. If the surroundings and others are the deciding factors of your happiness then your happiness will be depended solely on them.

If your happiness is centered around  people,  their demise or parting ways with them would make your life dull. Similarly if your happiness is depended on circumstances or things you may tend to become sad once these things are lost. Don’t find happiness in your ability, money or beauty. They also are subjected to depletion. In fact where should be our happiness? Who or what should be the reason for our happiness? We ourselves are the custodian of our happiness. For our happiness we don’t need to depend on others or the circumstances. They are but only the external factors. You might have noticed the small children holding things tightly. They find happiness in them irrespective of their value. They won’t share these things with others. We should be like these children. Hold the happiness in our life tightly. The reason for our happiness should be are ourselves. Your happiness never depend on any external things. Whatever I have or doesn’t have can I find happiness? This is the relevant question. Even in luxury or in penury can I be happy?

Whoever try to steal it won’t  lose your happiness. Don’t think that you can become happy if all the external factors become conducive. Changes are common in the universe. Just like the seasons change, life undergoes changes. Whatever be the circumstance don’t lose hope.

Self love is the seed from which love for life germinates. If you want to have self love you should be filled with happiness. Find out the small happiness within you. Fill your life with those tiny droplets of happiness.

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