Bad Breath and Depression

Bad breath makes social life difficult and it also takes away the confidence from any individual. This is a health problem faced by many...

Ready to Get Defeated

What a talk is it? Success is the ultimate goal. Then why should we get defeated?  Yes, success is the ultimate goal. But those who...

Is Every Forgetfulness Alzheimer’s?

Sometimes we forget to do certain things, forget to take keys, mobile or spectacles. But all such forgetfulness are not Alzheimer’s disease. However if...

The Key of Memories

Memories of an individual are the indicators that he is living. They are the part of his psyche. Sure, some memories are not so...

Family $ Relationships

How to escape from toxic parents?

First of all remember that you can’t change the toxic parents fully. The chances of success in such an attempt is very less. Approach...

Are You Toxic Parents?

Don’t do it..How many times have I warned you no to do this?... You are responsible for all these problems...Do you have any idea...

Refine yourself for a better personality

Personal growth and self-improvement are unavoidable in our personal life. All of us aspire for a better life in every day. Even then we...

Features & Stories

When laziness becomes a hill

Laziness is one of the barriers to your success.  The lazy one won’t succeed in their life. The unwillingness to do your  duty even...

Life is Good

I am thinking of committing suicide. What is your opinion? I got frightened at the question of my friend. Starting a new business, seeking a...

Refine yourself for a better personality

Personal growth and self-improvement are unavoidable in our personal life. All of us aspire for a better life in every day. Even then we...

Health & Wellness

Bad Breath and Depression

Bad breath makes social life difficult and it also takes away the confidence from any individual. This is a health problem faced by many...

Is Every Forgetfulness Alzheimer’s?

Sometimes we forget to do certain things, forget to take keys, mobile or spectacles. But all such forgetfulness are not Alzheimer’s disease. However if...

The Key of Memories

Memories of an individual are the indicators that he is living. They are the part of his psyche. Sure, some memories are not so...

education & Science


You may be the boss of hundreds of employees, heading famous companies. He will have the educational qualifications and experience to be in that...


In a way, we can say that there is no other device like the mobile phone that has been universalized and popularized to such...


Crooked Forest is attracting many tourists from all parts of the world. It is an oddly-shaped forest consisting of about four hundred pine trees....


Let it be open

When it was raining all the windows were closed. Not only the windows but also the doors.  They were not opened. It was the...

Now open up your mind

A method of torture against convicts in Middle East especially in Iran was in the news recently. It is known as white room torture....

The right called life

Most of the people think that they can be happy only when all the circumstances become conducive for them. Got a commendable achievement, received...

inspiration & Motivation

Ready to Get Defeated

What a talk is it? Success is the ultimate goal. Then why should we get defeated?  Yes, success is the ultimate goal. But those who...

Seek and catch the opportunities

The sage and his disciple were in a journey. It was noon time. They were very much tired and at last reached an isolated...

If your purpose is success..

Success is a journey. It has no end. It is a never ending process. You don’t need to ask a person  about his current...

Social & Culture

Happy? Want to be happy?

Are you happy? When such a question is asked  people begin to think whether they are happy. Even when we are happy outwardly we...

Where is your happiness? 

There is a story of  some people who are in search of chalk standing atop a chalk hill.  This story is relevant for everyone...


Words have the power to comfort and make others happy. But in some situations, it is better to remain silent. They started their conversation to...

News & current affairs

‘I had you yet but for five minutes beside me’

‘Oh! that I had you yet but for five minutes beside me, to tell you all’. It is considered as one of the saddest...

How many failures are there before we win?

That young man’s ambition was to become a writer. But all his circumstances were unfavorable for him. His lack of education was the most...

Possibilities in disabilities

There was a stammerer boy. While studying he had to bear the humiliations of his class mates. No doubt he would have been saddened...
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