
The owner of the house was very disturbed that day. He was disturbed because his servant who had gone to his home on the previous day had not returned yet. Plates and spoons lay unwashed in the kitchen sink. Besides, he felt very hungry too. As time passed, his anger grew hotter towards his servant. “Let him come. I will dismiss him today.” The house owner swore to himself.

 It was evening when the servant returned. The moment he saw him, the house owner exploded: “you need not stay here anymore. I know how to live without you. But if I dismiss you, you will perish. A servant should be responsible after all.” The servant listened to whatever he said with a bowed head. When finally the house owner stopped his shouting, the servant said: “Please forgive me, master. Yesterday my daughter passed away. I had to wait until her funeral was over. That’s why I was late to reach here.”

Do you know who that house owner was? It was the great Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore. Our judgements on others often become cruel. We make such rash and heartless statements without discerning the real reason. Let us take another look at this incident that happened in the life of poet Tagore. Tagore was a philanthropist, a great poet and a noble man. Still he misunderstood his servant in one moment. He forgot his commitment and honesty which he had experienced till that day. When our comfort is affected, we will make blind judgements on others. We will not try to think from their point of view.

If a person, who had been doing all his tasks diligently, makes an unintentional mistake one day or he was not able to complete his work today as he did yesterday or he reached for work a little late… in such cases we should not shout at him. Instead try to see things from his perspective. Look at him with a kind heart. Never make rash judgements. He might have his own reasons. May be he was ill or some personal issues might be perturbing him. Be tolerant to such persons.

If a great poet like Tagore was not immune to such mistakes what about our case? So let us try not to make such mistakes. Let us keep ourselves away from making rash judgements.

Dr Antoney P Joseph
Managing Editor

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