Dates is to be included in your daily food. Dates have got a number of nutritional values. It contains carbohydrates, sugar, dietary fibre, protein, potassium, magnesium etc. It also contains anti oxidants. The rich fibre content in dates is helpful for the digestion of food and thereby prevents constipation. Dates give energy also. Therefore eating dates before doing exercise is highly recommended. Dates can help reduce the LDL cholesterol level in blood and so reduces the chance of heart diseases. The anti oxidants in dates help in it.
The potassium content in dates enhances brain health and increases memory power. Dates help to retard age related health issues. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorous content in dates boost the bone strength. It reduces the chance of ostioporosis. Eating three to six dates daily is recommended. Drinking moderately hot milk mixed with dates in cold climate is good for health. While preparing oats or juice as breakfast, instead of sugar dates can be mixed with them. Sweets like laddu can be made using dates without adding sugar.