God’s Final Question


Once a famous Guru was on his deathbed. He was a wiseman who had guided many people to spiritual knowledge and God experience. All his beloved disciples gathered around his bed. Then one of the disciples asked the Guru:
“What do you think God will ask you when you go to heaven after your death? Does the question God is going to ask you frighten you?”
The Guru answered with much difficulty:
“I don’t know what the kingdom of heaven will be like. But I think God will ask me a question.” 
“What is that question?”
“God will not ask me why I was not David, or Moses, or Joshua. He will ask me to what extent I became I. He will ask me why I did not become I. That question scares me.” 
As soon as he said that, the Guru breathed his last.
It is good to keep in mind that God will ask us this question when we die and go to heaven. Because we often spent our lives attempting to be like others or live the lives of others. We often do what others do. We dress as others dress. We become jealous of other people’s abilities. We imitate others and try to be like others. 
Meanwhile, there is one thing we forget to do: we never live our own lives. We tend to overlook our own personality to please others or get their praises. In such an effort, we lose our own lives. 
The purpose of our lives is not to live like others. Rather to live as we are. To do what we can with our lives… utilize our potentials to the fullest. 
Let us be happy to be who we are. That is the way to experience contentment. Let others do what is assigned to them. Why should I do their tasks? If I do not do my tasks, who else can replace me?
So, let us be ourselves. Let’s live our lives as we are assigned to. Live in such a way that when God asks what you have done with your life and how much you were ‘you’, you can give a bold and sincere answer. 
best regards,

Prof Antoney P Joseph

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