Is it Good to Eat Egg Daily?


We have a lot of wrong beliefs about eating eggs. Eating the egg daily will boost the bad cholesterol level is one among them. It is a fact that the yolk of egg contains fat. An egg contains 186 milligram cholesterol. However researchers are of the opinion that egg consumption is not the cause of increased cholesterol level in seventy percent people. Moreover eating the egg can increase the good cholesterol level in our blood. It reduces the chance of heart attack and stroke. Studies reveal that taking two eggs daily for six weeks will increase the HDL level by ten percent. Though an egg is small in size it contains almost all nutrients. It contains vitamins, minerals, calcium, zinc and healthy fat. An egg contains almost six gram protein. Eating egg is good for the eyesight. It reduces the chances of cataract.

New studies reveal that eating egg does not increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke. However diabetic patients should limit the use of eggs. Egg can maintain body weight. Dietitians are of the opinion that egg should be a must item in breakfast.

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