Six Vital Points For A Successful Marital Relationship


It is easy to get married; but it is not that easy to lead a successful married life. Both the spouses need to extend their mutual support to ensure the success of married life. The sad reality is that as time progresses, the spouses are prone to forget the priorities they are bound to give to their life partners. When a spouse gives greater priority to his or her job, children, friends or parents than to his or her spouse, it will adversely affect love and solidarity between them. Here are a few tips to follow in order to avoid this danger.

Communicate: The spouses must share their feelings and thoughts to each other every day. The best time for this sharing is post-supper time. Take care to give your ears to what your spouse is saying.
Avoid stubbornness and arguments: Often husband and wife will be tired after their job or daily tasks. Don’t enter into arguments on matters like ‘who has toiled more hard for the family’, ‘who has suffered more for the family’ etc. Don’t bring your bad moods of your office into your home; instead enter into the joy of family.

Be creative: Crises and conflicts can occur very often in families. In such situations, do not allow yourselves to get negative, instead have a positive approach towards them and find out creative solutions for those problems.

Talk and behave positively: Don’t go to your home nor welcome your spouse into your home with a long face. Enter into your house with a joyful countenance. Similarly, welcome home your spouse, who is returning from the office, with a smile. Use kind words and give your spouse a hug.

Plan out things: If you are precise over the things you have to do, it will be easy for you to execute them. When you go for shopping, sit together and prepare an accurate list you need to purchase. Assign various tasks to your children according to their age and capability.

Take decisions together: When you want to make decisions like buying a new car, going for a tour, bringing your mother-in-law to your house for a permanent stay, decide them together after ample consideration. The advantage of taking decisions together is that there will be less chance to find fault with the other over such decisions in the future.

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