
The effort to teach children good habits did not start today or yesterday. From the time when man began to change to a more cultured living situation and an organized family system, efforts were made to train their children to become better human beings. But, it takes a lot of effort, time and patience. Or as a parent, you have to devote a reasonable amount of time to this. Let’s have a look at some good things that should be taught to children from an early age.

Teach words that show gratitude: please, thank you, sorry Forgetting or hesitating to use these three words when needed is the reason why so many brands are falling apart today. Many people don’t use these words because of pride. No one likes others talking to them in a commanding tone. There is no difference in approach to those who do not apologize for a mistake, even if they do not know it, and to those who do not thank them for a good deed. So teach your children to say please, sorry and thank you. Parents should set such examples in their own homes.

Ask  permission

Ask permission before taking others’ books or pens or costlier belongings. No matter if the door is open or closed, enter only after asking for permission. Similarly, in today’s social media fever, ask parents for permission before posting pictures or anything on social media and follow their instructions. If not, you may have to face many far-reaching consequences later on.

Develop kindness

Train children at an early age to be kind to others. Encourage children to take an interest in their affairs and help those in need. Show such examples at home. Parents should show good examples to their children and should not chase away those who come to your home seeking some help.

Teach to give

Giving something to others is a gesture of being kind to them. So encourage children to give. Teach them to share. Teaching them to share their school meals with their classmates will develop good habits in children.

Use polite words

Children’s behaviour and speech are likely to be influenced by films, friends, and television programs. This is probably where the bad words often come from. Correct these words. Parents should also pay attention not to use such words in front of their children.

Do age-appropriate chores

At each age, train children to do age-appropriate tasks. For example, from simple tasks such as washing the dishes and cleaning the dining table, have them one by one according to their growth.

Appreciate and learn to appreciate

Praise your children when you see them doing good things. And teach them to appreciate the good deeds of others when they see them.

Delegate responsibilities

Raise children to be responsible. This will help them not to shirk their responsibilities in the future.

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