
“Never let pride enter your mind when you taste victories. If you remain humble always, people will love and respect you. It will continue even after you have stopped playing”. These are words of his father quoted by the great Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar in his autobiography ‘Playing It My Way”.

There may be people who do not like cricket. But even they loved Sachin Tendulkar because of his humility and simplicity.

Although there are several factors that enable us to win the hearts of others, humility is the most important of them all. People will be attracted to humble persons just as bees are attracted to flowers. Like music that soothes our hearts, the presence and words of humble persons will purify us. People can easily detect persons with false humility. Because such humility is only skin deep. But, real humility is not so. It has its roots in the soul of a person.

Of late, I have come across people, who get intoxicated with pride on trivial successes. I have also seen persons who remain humble even in the face of great victories. The emotions I experience when I think about both these people are different. Why is it?

Today, we have so many opportunities and spaces to display our talents. This is true about every nation and every language. There are many persons who have won fame through these. Nevertheless, some of them have faltered due to unexpected successes. This is due to the pride that has overpowered them.

What helped Sachin Tendulkar to remain humble even after reaching the enviable summits of success are the words of his father when he was a small boy. We also need to enlighten our young generation about the value of humility. Tell them: “Never be haughty. With haughtiness comes fall and disaster.”

Fruitless trees stand with their heads held high. At the same time, trees full of fruits stand with a stoop. Humility is one of the signs of great people. So, let us not be haughty in our successes, be it big or small. Always remember that a fall can follow a success. So be watchful.

Be thankful to those who paved the way for your success. Let your mind be filled with gratitude. Let humility bloom in your life. Then, success is sure to come.

With best wishes,

Dr. Antoney P Joseph 
Managing Director

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