When the food becomes the feast


The food served in functions are called lovely feast.  When the food is served with love and is done to share the love it becomes a lovely feast. In movie scenes we see members of the family share the love sitting around a dining table. Sometimes we go to eateries to share our love. Though food is necessary for the body, only  when it is served with love it will be beneficial for the mind. When the taste buds in the tongue are stimulated it satisfies the brain and thereby we feel happy and satisfied. This happiness prompts the man in the search of new tastes and definitely it is the philosophy of lovely feasts. 

In celebrations and in important meetings food has become an unavoidable thing. What is happening there? The joy of dining together. More than that, food has the capability of pacifying others. An idea which is not palatable for a person may become acceptable to him once it is given along with tasty food. Those who realize it often create an opportunity for such a gathering.

Health is a must for any living being. Food at irregular times is harmful to our body. Taking food late at night has become a trend nowadays. The eateries which offer unlimited food after midnight reinforce this trend. Continuous intake of luxury food may make a person an invalid one. When we go after food only to satisfy our body it may lead to ill health. First of all we should control it. If somebody takes food at inappropriate  times we should consider the factors which prompted  him to do so. Here the job of the person should be taken into account. Doing work at day time and taking rest at night has become a thing of the past. 

Nowadays even if getting food is late, the chances are plenty to get it. Food delivery has become a vocation. Renowned companies like Swiggy and Zomato had already utilized its potentials. With the advent of delivery boys kitchen has become the least entered area in a house and the less dirty place. 
What to eat, how to eat, when to eat etc. may be the freedom of an individual.  However the time of  reception in connection with functions and the food items served there may not be always conducive for our health. Food vloggers is another trend of the day.  Their influence cannot be under estimated. People from all age groups are the followers of such vloggers.

Social media has been being utilized well to enhance the ‘reach’ of hotels. People travel several kilometers to reach their favorite hotel. There are queue even in small tea shops.

It is a generally accepted fact that dining table will foster the friendships. We live in a society where everybody are in a hurry burry.  We don’t get time to mingle with relatives and friends. Occasional  get together is helpful in reviving the lost warmth among people. Remember one thing- Anything excess cannot be recommended.  Even the food packed in plantain leaf will become a feast if there is the real love and warmth in the mind of the giver.

Sanu Thettayil

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