Should We Respect Children?


It is customary for children to greet their teachers when they meet them. It is a way to show respect and love for the teachers who teach them. But that teacher was slightly different. He also bows his head and greets the children who greet him. This was his explanation he gave for it. “These kids have so much potential. They have the power to control tomorrow’s world. Aren’t they all great?’
This can be a story or an event. But there is much truth in this. Nevertheless, most of them neglect the children too easily. They will say: “Isn’t he just a child? What does he know?” This kind of thinking is very dangerous. Children deserve respect. They are individuals just like us. They have thoughts, ideas and skills. None of them become perfect individuals overnight. That evolution occurs through gradual growth and development. If parents want their children to become individuals with clear views, opinions, and attitudes in the future, they should be accepted and respected from a young age. Understand and encourage their talents and potential.

When the two children started drawing on the wall of the newly built house, the parents were equally vocal that they should discourage it. Their fair question was whether such a bad freedom would be something that anyone would agree to. That was right. It was not the dream of their children becoming Van Gogh or Raja Ravi Varma tomorrow that did not deter them. They thought that children should draw freely and happily. Later, when some guests came to the house, they pointed out the same issue. A retired teacher spoke about the need to encourage children to draw. Then his youngest daughter, a BDS student, said in a hushed voice, “I still haven’t forgotten the big spank my dad gave me for drawing on the wall when I was these kids’ age.” Have you not heard of such a person? Despite how many years have passed, the pain of her father’s punishment for damaging the wall has not faded from her daughter’s mind. I do not know if that daughter was a great artist. But the daughter believes that the punishment is too severe for her abilities. She also thinks that her father changed his opinion because of a change in his thinking.

This is what it says. The words and actions that parents pass on to their children affect their personalities in many ways. Encourage children’s talents. Be creative and create opportunities for them to grow more. Avoid punishing children openly or unnecessarily. Punishments inflicted by others are never disciplined.

When he went to a relative’s house, a six-year-old boy recalled a shocking incident when he went to his relative’s house. A boy of his age called a neighbor a nasty word. The boy’s father, who had heard this, hung him by his hand and spanked him with a cane. My dad, I really got scared… the son said. The boy admitted that it was wrong to say the bad word. But how did that bad word come to his tongue? Either learned from home or heard from someone else… Either way, it wasn’t a word he created out of thin air.

It is humiliating for parents when their children use bad words and talk rudely in front of others. However, punishing children openly and cruelly is not the right way. Self-analyze whether you have prepared the conditions for your children to hear that word. Convince children by telling them wrong. If it repeats, discipline it. That discipline should never be done in a way that injures the children’s personalities, humiliates them, or is a way to vent the anger of the parents. Otherwise, don’t criticize them by saying that I know you do/say this way or that you have your father’s/mother’s/relatives’ character. Children are children. We get them in our hands as good people. But we deteriorate it through use and association. Parents, we are the only ones spoiling our children.

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