
That young man came to see his teacher to tell him that he is confronted with bitter experiences in life. He added that he was incapable to face them. The teacher lived in a small house, alone. He listened to the words of his disciple calmly and went into the kitchen. The disciple followed. The teacher placed three bowls filled with water on the stove. In the first bowl, he put a potato and in the second one, an egg. In the third bowl, he added a spoon of coffee powder.

After some time, the teacher asked the disciple: What do you see now? The disciple found out that the potato had softened, the egg had become edible and the hot water had turned tasty. Then, the teacher commented: The potato, the egg and the coffee powder passed through the same circumstances. But their responses were different. Potato, which was rough in nature, softened when it came in contact with hot water. The content of the egg was delicate, but it was hardened when it was put in hot water. The water became tasty when blended with coffee powder. Even though all of us are going through similar circumstances, our responses differ.

Our experience of good and bad consequences depends upon our responses, not on our circumstances. Hence, do not blame our circumstances. When we are faced with adverse situations, we have the freedom to respond like the potato, the egg or the coffee power.
Here we have stepped into a New Year. Our circumstances might not have changed. But, we can change our responses. Let us respond in such a way to bring out our innate goodness and possibilities.

Wish you a very Happy New Year!

Dr Antoney P Joseph
Managing Director

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